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Why Cultural Awareness is Vital in International Project Management

Date Added: October 20, 2013 07:05:13 PM

Doing business at a global perspective is highly different from conducting projects at one's country. You may have been briefed on this at major training courses and project management training from Hemsley Fraser. This is referred to as international project management. International project management is, in a nutshell, business matters conducted in an intercultural global environment. This can gain success when specific requirements, which involve the various differences in cultural and societal norms, are met. Five areas of cultural dimensions are referred to in Professor Geert Hofstede's 5-D model.

To understand more about cultural awareness and its value in international project management, take a look at the varying points of the 5-D model:

Distribution of Power

Trying to convey a vital business interpolation may not receive favorable results if you do not know who to consult and discuss things with. The distribution of power (or "power distance" as it's called in the 5-D model) varies from one country to the next. Giving much importance to who holds power will make your business trip futile if you only try to do business with any person rather than reaching out to senior management staff and stakeholders. Countries with high power distance will only crush your plans of having a successful business venture if you make the mistake of ignoring the importance of major and important people that you should do business with.

Gender Roles

If you have taken management training courses, you may already have known that some countries place a lot of emphasis on male and female roles in the business industry; most places regard men as highly competitive and important in the society compared to women. If you are aware of this, you will be able to meet less resistance with your business dealings in a country that uses this category in managing global projects.

Uncertainty Issues

There are some people who try their best to avoid possible changes in the business. For them, changes are a threat to the industry's growth and stability because the results are uncertain. Before you can do anything more with your project, more rules may be suggested by these people. Procedures that are well-researched and documented may also be asked from you. You should be aware of this possibility beforehand.

Project Length Orientation

Short term and long term orientations may also differ from one part of the world to another. Those who give significant focus on long term results won't be that impressed by short term milestones that you will provide. This cultural orientation in the business is highly common in some Asian countries.

Individual Strengths

Individualism can also be an issue. This structure may breed on high individualism, which is about personal achievements and the individual needs of people in a group.
Keep in mind that other people in different countries do not exactly have the same values, norms, behavior, and business orientation as you. By considering cultural differences and other factors that may influence or block a certain international project, possible success won't be far behind.

Business training courses and project management courses can equip a project manager with excellent management skills. However, you also need to be culturally aware of different norms that include handling costs, time, gender roles, and other cultural business diversities. Cultural awareness may be gained from management training. More information: