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Understanding the Concept of Management

Date Added: November 07, 2013 09:19:58 PM

Management is a widely used term that can mean a variety of things depending on the point of view of a person. In the perspective of industries, however, this is a concept of a single and absolute idea: it is the backbone that keeps organizations functional.
Because of many definitions, this term is often not boxed in one digestible meaning. But for you to get a picture of what management really is and what it entails, here is the sum of its parts:

As a Discipline

Different categories have different explanations of what management is. According to lessons from management courses Hemsley Fraser, it can be described as a process, activity, group, science, art, and even as a profession. Despite this, management can be generally described as a multi-faceted discipline that traces its foundation from the principles of science and art.

As a scientific pursuit, management considers several theories and other products of experimentations as groundwork for its applications. When considered as art, on the other hand, it can pertain to a person's relative inclinations, including personality, taste, and thoughts rooted from past experiences and upbringing. This means that while management follows firm concepts, its application may be different for each person who puts it in practice.

As Organizational Foundation

Management serves various functions in different industries, including big businesses and corporations. In the simplest terms, it can be stated that management gives organizations the ability to stretch their productivity into the highest possible rate. It does this by providing a systematic and efficient approach to handling business operations and the workers behind them.
Both physical resources and people are covered by management, and this power to control these essential players of a business makes management a fundamental necessity in all organized groups. Although the concept appears to favor employers only, management is actually a two-way street, benefitting everyone that is part of the enterprise. Like any project management courses would say, an increase in productivity for the company translates into added benefits to employees. It also means greater employment, and that is a plus for the society.

As a Profession

The responsibility of upholding the concepts of management lies with managers, the ones who apply the ideas in the actual workplace. The job of a manager is mostly practical work, and it requires certain skills that one can learn from project management training programs. Even these necessary skills are as diverse as the concept of management, but they are usually confined in the following aspects: planning, organization, direction, and monitoring. You are interesting in management courses ? Have a look at :