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Some rules you have to respect when you drive

Date Added: November 29, 2012 03:13:07 PM

In organized traffic, there are certain vehicles that have the right-of-way, which states who is able to go first, while the other has to wait. There are a number of markings, signs and signals that make this universally known, such as a stop sign. Although these are universal signs and markings, there are places where the rules of the road are implied, such as a four way stop sign. Crosswalks are a right-of-way area on any road, because pedestrians have priority over all vehicular traffic. In many cases, a traffic signal helps notify you of a pedestrian crossing, but there is also paint on the road to let you know about pedestrians. Conversely, regardless of whether you are driving crossover cars or any other type of vehicle, you have the right-of-way over railroad crossings, drawbridges and emergences from private drives.

However, some roads do not have marked lanes, which mean you need to pay more attention while you are driving, to make sure you stay on the proper side of the road. While turning, you must yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic. As an example, you are driving along and are interested in stopping at your local dealership to check out the sport cars for sale, and you need to make a left-hand turn into the dealership. If there is a left-hand turning lane available, you need to merge into it, with your left blinker on. Once the oncoming traffic has cleared, then you may proceed, because the oncoming traffic has the right-of-way in that situation. This way, you can safely and effectively turn to the dealership, and discover all of the exciting and innovative hybrid cars for sale and much more. In addition, one of the most important rules of the road is maintaining the speed limit that is on any specific road. When you are on a freeway, which is generally four lanes or more, the speed limit can be up to 75 miles per hour.

However, on other smaller state highways, US highways, surface streets and more, the speed limits vary greatly. In addition to the speed limits varying, when you are on a freeway, you have the freedoms allowed to pass a vehicle, provided the lane is clear to do so. However, on smaller highways that are only two lanes, you need to make sure that it is clear to pass and there is no oncoming traffic. In addition to this, you need to make sure that you are on an area of that highway that allows passing, which is signified by either a white dotted line or a yellow solid line with a yellow dotted line in your lane. If you see a double yellow line, solid white line, or a solid yellow line with yellow dots and the dots are in the opposite lane, you cannot legally pass.