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Lawn Care For North Texas Homes

Date Added: July 13, 2015 06:18:46 PM

A healthy lawn makes a big difference in the curb appeal of your home. Grass prevents soil erosion, absorbs unhealthy pollutants and filters rainwater. It takes a regular maintenance program to keep your lawn healthy and green. Whether you choose a lawn service, or care for your lawn on your own, there are several steps to take to keep your lawn healthy. Consider the following important tasks to ensure your grass thrives throughout the seasons.

  • Grass types that thrive in North Texas
  • Healthy soil
  • Regular mowing
  • Proper watering methods
  • Managing lawn problems

Lawn Card for North Texas Grasses

The two most common grasses that do well in North Texas soil are St. Augustine and Bermuda. Mow grass at the proper height to strengthen roots and conserve water. Other good options for grasses include Buffalo, Centipede and Zoysia. St. Augustine is a hot weather grass that adapted to tropical regions and is a favorite for North Texas summers.

 Bermuda grass is a hardy type that stands up well to the hot, Texas sun. It also withstands a high level of foot and pet traffic. Bermuda grass requires proper mowing and watering to thrive. Buffalo, Centipede and Zoysia tolerate North Texas summers but are not as common in the region.

Maintain Healthy Soil

Your grass depends on good soil to stay healthy. It must have the proper nutrients and pH balance to keep pests away. Lawns thrive in soils that have a mix of sand, silt and clay. Improve your soil by adding organic matter like grass clippings, manure or homemade compost. Organic matter will help sandy soil retain key nutrients and water. Test your soil each spring to determine if any adjustments need to be made to maintain the proper pH balance.

Consult with your local nursery for problems with potential disease. If your grass turns brown and stops growing, then this could be a sign of disease. Your local agriculture extension is a source for solving potential problems with North Texas grasses and soils.

Regular Mowing

Mowing your grass at the proper height is an important factor in the health of your lawn. Keep your lawn mower blades sharp to prevent injuring the blades of grass. The correct mow height is between two and three inches for best results. You should mow often enough that you do not cut more than one-third of the grass height. Leave the clippings on your lawn to provide a rich source of nitrogen. During the hot summers, you may only have to mow once every two weeks. The springtime brings showers that make your grass grow much faster. You will probably have to mow every week during the springtime for best results.

Proper Watering Techniques

Many homeowners do not understand how water affects the lawn. Proper watering helps your lawn develop deep roots that keep it healthy during dry conditions. A slow, soaking watering method with soaker hoses is the preferred method. The best time to water your lawn is in the early morning hours. If you water your lawn during the evening hours, the moisture can make your lawn susceptible to insect damage. Let your lawn dry completely before watering again.

Managing Lawn Pest Problems

The appearance of damage from pests is a common lawn problem. Pesticides are designed to control insects, weeds and fungal diseases. They may also kill earthworms or other beneficial insects and disrupt the ecological balance of your lawn. Spot treat your lawn whenever possible instead of treating the whole yard. Biological pest control uses the natural enemies of pests, such as the lady bug, to rid your lawn of aphids.

You North Texas lawn care will not be that difficult if you follow these basics.  Should you need the services of a full time lawn maintenance service check out your local companies carefully.